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Unbekannte Endemol-Shows
geschrieben von: passaparola22, 26.11.03 18:14
Auf der Homepage von endemol (
findet man unter "gameshows" 2 Sendungen, die angeblich für Deutschland produziert wurden / werden. "Choose or lose" und "The Decision is Yours" ("Sie entscheiden"). Alle anderen Shows auf der endemol-Seite sind mir bekannt - aber kann jemand was mit diesen beiden Sendungen anfangen???

(mit Foto)

The Decision is Yours
There are six rounds, during which the couples can increase their winnings, including a number game, a sequence game, a category game and a choices game. The couples are introduced in transparent cabins. As they progress through the rounds, if they win, they are safe. If they lose, however, they must return to their cabins where the 400-strong studio audience has the chance to vote them out of the game completely. At any time, the contestants can choose to bail out and bank what they have won so far. If they do so, however, they will never know if they could have progressed further or whether they would have been voted out. The two couples that reach the two-stage final have to answer as many questions as they can within 90 seconds. They then have 30 seconds per couple to make statements about themselves to convince the audience that they should be the winners.
Original title: Sie entscheiden
Genre: Game show
Original Timeslot: Prime Time
Producer: Endemol Germany
Original Length: 90 Minutes
Availability: Format
Running: Yes
Countries: D -
Contact: Simone van Breugel,

Choose or Lose!
Imagine that you're one of the candidates. The subject is pop music. The host mentions the names of three famous groups for example, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and Abba. Then there's a list of 24 song titles. Now if you had all the time in the world, you'd have little difficulty matching the songs with the performers. But you only have 30 seconds at your disposal! While your mind desperately tries to link a particular song to one of the three pop groups, the host relentlessly fires off the next song title... and the next. The crux of the matter is that you have to choose or you will lose. There's no time to hesitate or catch your breath. To make matters worse, the more mistakes you make, the louder you will hear an annoying buzzer, further shattering your already shaky concentration. As if that weren't enough, the next round will be even tougher. Your mind goes blank, and you're on national TV. Help! Fortunately, it's only a game, albeit an addictive one. Experience has shown that even channel-hopping viewers find it almost impossible to switch away, once they have been bitten by the 'Choose or Lose!' bug.
Original title: Choose or Lose!
Genre: Game show
Original Timeslot: Prime Time
Producer: Endemol bv
Original Length: 30 Minutes
Availability: Format
Running: Yes
Countries: D -
Contact: Simone van Breugel,


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  Unbekannte Endemol-Shows
passaparola22 26.11.03 18:14 625 
  Re: Unbekannte Endemol-Shows
Jimmy Jones 28.11.03 16:29 157 

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