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Emily Erdbeer kehrt zurück!
geschrieben von: Sascha, 28.02.02 08:56
Emily Erdbeer kehrt zurück!

Hier die komplette Pressemeldung:
DIC Cooks Up New Strawberry Shortcake Deal

DIC Entertainment will produce four direct-to-video movies based upon Strawberry Shortcake, the feel-good animated girls property that stirred up more than $1.2 billion in retail sales during the early ‘80s. DIC licensed the property from American Greetings for merchandise and to make preschool productions.

Bandai is on board as the master toy licensee for Shortcake. The new dolls will also be scented but have a revamped look and feature several new characters. Children’s Apparel Network is signed on to produce a range of girls clothing.

DIC President Brad Brooks sees the deal as the beginning of a long association with AG as DIC could look to turn other AG properties into entertainment, and AG could produce product based on DIC properties such as the upcoming Liberty’s Kids and Super Duper Sumos.

AG commissioned a research study a year ago, which showed a "retro, back-to-the-early ‘80s trend," according to Jeff Petit, VP communications and marketing. "Then Sept. 11 happened. This whole trend toward caring values got solidified. Feelings got more important."


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  Emily Erdbeer kehrt zurück!
Sascha 28.02.02 08:56 619 
  Re: Emily Erdbeer kehrt zurück!
Justine 28.02.02 15:47 213 

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