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"Rock'n Roll Kids"s live action: "Andrea" (Hashizo
geschrieben von: yusaku, 03.01.07 18:09
As you know, "Rock'n Roll Kids" was aired in Italy in 1985 (the first time) and it was loved by the Italian viewers so much that they wanted to see the continuation of the story, so Alessandra Valeri Manera decided to realize four live action's seasons:
1986- Love me Licia
1987- Licia dolce Licia
1987- Teneramente Licia
1988- Balliamo e cantiamo con Licia
Yakko was performed by Cristina D'Avena (the most famous Italian cartoon singer, she sang about 600 cartoon opening songs from 1981 up to 2006), I have uploaded on YouTube a scene from "Licia dolce Licia", the 2nd season. In this scene Licia (Yakko) is singing a beautiful song (Italian lyrics: Alessandra Valeri Manera - Music: Carmelo 'Ninni' Carucci) dedicated to Andrea (Hashizo), in fact in the live action Yakko becomes a singer and little by little she'll sing many songs with the Bee Hive.
This sweet and melancholic song is my favourite, here the link:

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  "Rock'n Roll Kids"s live action: "Andrea" (Hashizo
yusaku 03.01.07 18:09 665 
  Re: "Rock'n Roll Kids"s live action: "Andrea" (Hashizo
Dustin 03.01.07 18:41 404 

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