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Re: Lied aus Simpsons Episode
geschrieben von: chrisquito, 22.12.03 23:29
hi, habe das folgende mal bei rauskopiert, denke mal, das ist der gesuchte song, "Mayonnaise and Marmalade"

Yes, that was NRBQ singing "Me and the Boys", from their albums
"Tiddlywinks" and "The Best of NRBQ". In the same episode, they also sang
"Lucille" when the family entered the 50's diner, "Mayonnaise and
Marmalade" (written by Simpsons writers, for montage of Bart teaching Homer
to ride the motorcycle), and "Want You to Feel Good, Too" as the band at
the biker bar. [Later, he writes, "The [closing theme] piece was shot in
the Bowery Ballroom in New York."]
Singer: You showed me everything
Oh, you took me by the hand
[Bart pushes Homer, on the motorcycle, down the street.
Training wheels mounted on the bike keep it from tipping
Puppy dogs and Lincoln Logs
And castles by the sand
[Bart lets go, and Homer crashes through the fence]
You gave me the courage
To spread my newborn wings
Like Mayonnaise and Marmalade
And other spreadable things
[Homer revs the motorcycle engine. Both his pants and his
shirt get caught in the chain an chewed up, leaving Homer
in his undies]
So I guess you are my hero
And there's something you should know
I want to make it clear,
So I'm going to sing it slow
[Bart on his bike, and Homer on the motorcycle, ride side
by side down the street. Homer indicates he's ready to go
solo, and revs the engine. The motorcycle slips out from
under him, flies through the air, and crashes through the
roof of a house. The two share a laugh]
If you weren't a man,
And my father, too,
I'd buy you a diamond ring,
And then I'd marry you.
[Homer finally gets it right. The camera pans to the sky,
and spectral images of Homer and Bart appear on the full
moon, smiling]
-- A father and son moment

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  Lied aus Simpsons Episode
Rusty 22.12.03 13:48 456 
  Re: Lied aus Simpsons Episode
chrisquito 22.12.03 23:29 296 
  Re: Lied aus Simpsons Episode
Rusty 23.12.03 06:18 180 

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