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Mel Gibson entwickelt TV Serien (u.a. Lethal Weapon)
geschrieben von: Spenser, 07.11.03 03:02
Der nun folgende Text ist leider nur in engl.

LOS ANGELES ( - Oscar winner Mel Gibson is looking to become a lethal weapon producing for the small screen. The "Braveheart" star's Icon Prods. has lined up an ABC family comedy and a CBS drama and is in the early stages on programs for two other networks.

The most advanced of the Gibson projects is an untitled family comedy that has received a put pilot commitment from ABC. Focusing on a blue-collar single father raising five boys, the pilot is from Julie Thacker and Mike Scully ("The Simpsons"), whose own blended family has five girls.

The pair brought the script to Gibson, who has seven children with his wife of 23 years. The concept resonated with the star and he agreed to develop the show through Icon. Universal Network TV will oversee the production with Thacker, Scully, Gibson and Icon's Bruce Davey executive producing.
"Mel, Mike and Julie have come up with a hilarious show that portrays the rough-and-tumble and noisy truth about raising boys," says Universal Television Prods. President Dave Kissinger. "It's a perfect fit with the smart, contemporary family sitcoms that are ABC's hallmark."

Gibson is also collaborating with Aaron Spelling on the CBS coming-of-age drama "The Clubhouse." In addition, Icon is talking to NBC about a drama featuring a family man-turned-government assassin and UPN about a drama centered on an attorney who gives up his flashy lifestyle to raise his six-month-old niece.

The actor-director recently secured Newmarket Films as the domestic distributor for his feature "The Passion of Christ." The project, which has faced charges of anti-Semitism, was funded almost entirely with Gibson's own money and, thus far, has only been screen for sympathetic pundits, earning endorsements from several Christian religious groups. The film is scheduled for an Ash Wednesday premiere.

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  Mel Gibson entwickelt TV Serien (u.a. Lethal Weapon)
Spenser 07.11.03 03:02 423 

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