Re: Seven of nine schläft im Mittelalter !
...ich ahnte, dass du keinen Unterschied zwischen "haben" und "sein" machst :-) und...wäre es nicht an der Zeit, dass Du endlich den Namen Deiner Heldin richtig schreibst? Was sag ich da .... jede Menge Energie, die sinnlos durch den Schornstein geblasen wird ... Reasons Not to Date Seven of Nine 15. Thinks "necking is futile." 14. Has special built-in remote-control in her right arm. 13. Her first lover is bound to be killed off. 12. Her old roommate, Eighty-Fifth of Eighty-Five, always wants to tag along. 11. 198,874,987,293,128,154 in-laws. 10. Facial implants have a habit of falling into the soup. 9. Harry Kim's secret knife collection. 8. The Borg can't cook. 7. Will assimilate your record collection. 6. Automatic response to "Was it good for you too?" is always "Pleasure is irrelevant." 5. Borg implants make it impossible to get her drunk. 4. Take that catsuit off and her body falls apart...literally. 3. When the Borg assimilated Species #1428, they gained the technology to detect instantly when you've so much as looked at another woman. 2. Always thinks you're quizzing her about theological philosophy when you mention the missionary position. 1. Oh, who the hell am I kidding? Additions... 83. You can't stop for fear that she'll remove any "sub-standard" parts. -- Bob 82. French kissing and sores in mouth = nanite infection...better stay with the Eskimo kissing if you do have sores. -- Russ 81. Is there a chance of electricution if we take a shower together? -- Russ 80. With those high heels ... I don't know if I can reach her to kiss her anyway. -- Russ 79. She would just leave you for Spiderman. -- Russ 78. Do you really think her quest for perfection includes you??? -- BushGoph 77. She's always saying, "Afterplay and cuddling are irrelevant" -- oh, I'm sorry, that's one of the Reasons TO date Seven of Nine. -- Tom 76. To insure gender equality in the collective the Borg implant guess what? -- thecosmos 75. Borg females provide for their offspring a la praying mantises. -- thecosmos 74. Likely to assimilate you after wards. -- Paul and Laurie 73. You're never gonna get away from Kim and Janeway. -- Paul and Laurie 72. Your mother tells you, "How are you and that girl with the metal sticking out of her head ever going to give me a grandchild? And she could at least wear soemthing a little less... oh, fitting." -- Paul and Laurie 71. She doesn't want you too make Naomi suffer a long and painful death. -- Paul and Laurie 70. She's not into Six-of-Nine. -- André 69. She doesn't put out, she FLAMES out! -- André 68. With THOSE, no way to explore that 0-G fantasy you've had for years. -- André 67. The catsuit leaves nothing to imagination, so where's the mystery? -- André 66. You spotted some dandruffs on that catsuit...what do you mean "it's asbestos?!" -- André 65. Nanoprobe "enhancing" of your "attributes" is very painful, especially when you're doing it! -- André 64. You don't mind a threesome, or even a four-on-the-floor, but doing it with a COLLECTIVE? -- André 63. You just can't fall asleep afterwards in that damn vertical bed of hers. -- André 62. She uses PCBs in her K-Y Jelly. -- André 61. When she does not like something you said or did, she calls her buddies from that damn Starfleet future time patrol to go back in time and actually change it. -- André 60. She'll brag to all the Collective that she got to third base with you, -- André 59. You have to kill Harry Kim to get to her, but he keeps coming back to life! -- André 58. No matter how much make-up she puts over that thing on her face, she still reminds you of Mr. Roboto. -- André 57. That damn brat, Naiomi Wildman, insists on tagging along. -- André 56. You hate having to explain your "intentions" towards Seven to Janeway. -- André 55. Your "mother-in-law" actually sits in the middle of a gigantic cube, with cables and ducts sticking out of her. -- André 54. No matter what, your car will never achieve Cube velocity, and she likes speed. -- André 53. She keeps assimilating little kids who stare at her implants (the ones on her face). -- André 52. Locutus told you she actually did it with a whole Cube. -- André 51. She insists you get Chakotay-type tattoos that match her implants. -- André 50. Jason Alexander keeps calling and leaving weird messages on her voice mail. 49. When Kes finally comes back, she's going to be mad, and her lightning-bolt aim might be just a little off. 48. If you were a little too short, she could end up poking you in the eye. -- Clayton 47. She'd rather just hang around Deck Nine, Section 12, if you know what I mean. 46. Seven of Nine would make love as quickly as possible because she feels that talking and wasting time is irrelevant. -- Clayton 45. She actually weighs 300 lbs. It's just all muscle. 44. Not impressed by engagement rings unless you can make the diamond by squeezing a lump of coal with your fist. 43. Has assimilated men who have much, much nicer cars. 42. Cute blonde hairs eventually just wind up everywhere. (Whoops! This is actually a reason not to date a tribble. Sorry.) 41. Has no concept of what "not making a scene" means. 40. Keep her out a minute past curfew, and Janeway will kill you. 39. Incredibly furious she missed out on the whole action figure madness. 38. Only says "Take off your clothes" to men who are prettier than she is. 37. Those mammary implants are like north and south poles on a battery -- any "encounter" leads to a "shocking" experience.-- Henrik 36. She forgot the Energizer batteries again!-- Henrik 35. Her extension cord only reaches so far... -- Henrik 34. Do you know what a Borg viral disease would do to you? -- Jacky 33. She will be the one who has the cold feet in bed! -- Jacky 32. When her relatives visit, they'll leave an awfull mess! -- Jacky 31. The two of you have a little too much syntho-tequila, steal the Holodoc's portable emiter, undergo a minor transporter malfunction, and "Boom!" -- you're a daddy. -- Ginny 30. You are afraid to have sex with her as you know she would spend the whole time planning how to reconfigure your parameters in order to make you more efficient. -- Alibee 29. The first two and a half hours of any romantic encounter are spent trying to find the zipper on that damn catsuit. -- Ginny 28. At the monthly Voyager Beer Bash, inebriated crewmembers keep shouldering you aside to use the bottle opener on Seven's forehead. -- Ginny 27. The Collective has assimilated detailed knowledge of the sexual practices of thousands of species, and who needs *that* kind of pressure? -- Ginny 26. Her implants aren't the type I've learned to appreciate. -- Ian 25. With all those high-tech scanners at his disposal, Harry Kim knows exactly where you live. 24. Cries helplessly when the Tin Woodsman in the The Wizard of Oz rusts, then spends the rest of the evening screaming "Oil can! Oil can!" 23. There's not a chance in the universe your mother will like her. 22. Janeway insists on coming along to chaperone. 21. Talk about high maintenance! 20. There's always the possibility she might have implants in places that would...interfere. -- T'Pring 19. Two words: Static discharge. 18. Those nails digging into your back actually inserting nanoprobes. -- 17. Morning breath smells like Pennzoil. 16. Likely to dump you for your bug zapper In diesem Forum dürfen leider nur registrierte Teilnehmer schreiben.