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Re: Kennt jemand den Song?
geschrieben von: tiramisusi, 15.10.03 10:31
das waren die Chantoozies :-)
Feel-so-hot, feel-so-hot, feel-so-hot, feel-so-hot, feel-so-hot
Feel-so-hot, feel-so-hot, feel-so-hot, feel-so-hot, feel-so-hot
Feel-so-hot, feel-so-hot, feel-so-hot, feel-so-hot

Marie, Marie, da voodoo veau (do-do, do-do-do-doo)
Marie, Marie, da voodoo veau (do-do, do-do-do-doo)
Marie, Marie, da voodoo veau

(Do-do, do-do, do-do-doo)

I'm gonna tell you a story, as strange as it might seem
Of zombie and voodoo dreamin' and the witch queen of New Orleans
She lived in a world of magic, possessed by the devil's skew
From a shack near the swamplands, of mud and brick
Marie stirred her witches brew

Marie, Marie, da voodoo veau - she'll put a spell on you-ou
Marie, Marie, da voodoo veau - she'll put a spell on you-ou
Marie, Marie, da voodoo veau
She's the witchqueen - of New Orlea-eans

Dime or a nickel anyone could buy, voodoo of any kind
She had potions and lotions, herbs and tanna leaves
Guaranteed to blow your mind
Early one morning into mucky swamp dew
Vanished Marie with hate in her eyes
Though she'll never return, all the Cajuns knew
A Witch Queen never die-ie-ies

Marie, Marie, da voodoo veau - she'll put a spell on you-ou
Marie, Marie, da voodoo veau - she'll put a spell on you-ou
Marie, Marie, da voodoo veau
She's the witch queen - of New Orlea-eans

Marie, Marie, da voodoo veau - she'll put a spell on you-ou
Marie, Marie, da voodoo veau - she'll put a spell on you-ou
Marie, Marie, da voodoo veau
She's the witch queen - of New Orlea-eans

I'm gonna tell you a story, strange as it might seem
A zombie and voodoo dreamin' and the witch queen of New Orleans

Marie, Marie, da voodoo veau - she'll put a spell on you-ou
Marie, Marie, da voodoo veau - she'll put a spell on you-ou
Marie, Marie, da voodoo veau
She's the witch queen - of New Orlea-eans

Marie, Marie, da voodoo veau - she'll put a spell on you-ou
Marie, Marie, da voodoo veau - she'll put a spell on you-ou
Marie, Marie, da voodoo veau - she'll put a spell on you-ou
Marie, Marie, da voodoo veau - she'll put a spell on you-ou

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  Kennt jemand den Song?
umpahtah 15.10.03 10:22 359 
  Re: Kennt jemand den Song?
tiramisusi 15.10.03 10:31 174 
  Re: Kennt jemand den Song?
mag23 15.10.03 11:06 141 
  Re: Kennt jemand den Song?
Fall Guy 15.10.03 12:18 126 
  Re: Kennt jemand den Song?
umpahtah 15.10.03 19:02 115 

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