Re: An alle Fans der alten Fünf Freunde-Serie!
@ TWINE Einmal schauen, wie sich Chorion PLC den deutschsprachigen Fünf Freunde Fans gegenüber outet. Hier nun die Mailadresse vom Fünf-Freunde-Rechtemanagement bei Chorion PLC: esra.cafer@chorion.co.uk Es ist traurig aber wahr, die TV- und Filmechte an der Fünf Freunde Serie von 1978-1979 wurden an Chorion PLC verkauft. Das so genannte Enid Blyton Erbe (Enid Blyton Estate), ist die Firma der Familienmitglieder von Enid Blyton, die auch unter dem Namen Darrell Waters Ltd bekannt ist. Darrell Waters Ltd hat lange Zeit die Rechte (auch TV) an Enid Blytons Werken besessen. Im Jahre 2003 hat die Firma Chorion PLC die TV- und Filmrechte gekauft und verwertet bzw. verwaltet diese nun. Ich habe einen Brief meines Unmutes an Chorion PLC per Mail abgesendet, wo ich ankreide, dass man so derartig die alte Fünf Freunde Serie von 1978-1979 blockiert und man uns deutschsprachigen Fünf Freunde Fans regelrecht TV-Kulturgut unterschlägt, indem man bei Chorion PLC der e-m-s new Media AG die Rechte zu einer deutschsprachigen DVD-Veröffentlichung verwährt. Ihr könnt gerne den Brief oder Passagen daraus für eure Mails an Chorion PLC verwenden! Dear members of the executive board of Chorion PLC, What is it you are expecting of blocking the old Enid Blyton The Famous Five TV-series of 1978/79 (by Southern Television), by refusing to sell the licence for a German-speaking DVD-release of the series. I simply cannot follow your line of business politics. Dont you know that this TV-series is still placed second in the German popularity statistics among European viewers? One can with right call this series a part of European TV-culture, which, by your reluctance, lack of understanding or simply absence of interest in business, is blocked to the viewers in these parts. But do not worry; I will make your reluctance public. The audience has a right to know, that Chorion PLC holds back a European TV-cult of the late Seventies and does not react benevolently to costumers requests! You, no doubt, are meanwhile experienced in sending appeasing and uncomprehending short-note answers, this can be read everywhere. Be honest, in what way would it harm your company, if for example e-m-s new media AG (Gemany) would launch a German version of The Famous Five 1978/79 series on DVD? In no way at all! Quite the opposite would happen, in fact. Nowadays many old TV-classics are revived and released as DVD-versions. Do not be angry with me for saying this, but pertinent to this, your company lacks a certain amount of flexibility and conformity to the market. The English audio-visual Famous Five market surely is satisfied with the existing offerings concerning the old 1978/79 TV series. You can find a lot of old VHS video tapes and bootleg DVDs of this old TV series in English language at the market. But the German-speaking Famous Five fans feel very aggrieved now and that is not fair at all! Marathon, France, wants desperately to release a new and animated series in early 2007 for the TV-market. But for the simple idea, to revive an old, greatly demanded TV-classic, as The Famous Five 1978/79 are, and release it to a German speaking audience after being missing for years, you seem not to have enough sense of business and understanding. Your showing yourself conciliatory in this question would be deeply appreciated. Think over your line of decisions concerning giving a permission for a German-speaking DVD-release of The Famous Five TV-series of 1978/79, for example to e-m-s new media AG (Germany), which would be at least willed to release it on DVD after a lot of customer requests from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Please do not forget, the world of media and internet never sleeps and would surely take advantage of any mistake your company makes. I personally will always be thinking of your company, and in case of any new productions of The Famous Five should happen to appear on my screen, I will promptly react by turning off my TV-set. As long as the old Famous Five 1978/79 TV-series is being blocked by your part, I can not find anymore pleasure in my Blyton books and audio tapes. I have been a fan of Enid Blyton since my childhood, but because of your line of business politics you are going to destroy my pleasure and interest in Enid Blyton books, films and audio tapes! I therefore ask for an answer from your side, Greetings Eurer Name, Land In diesem Forum dürfen leider nur registrierte Teilnehmer schreiben.