Re: Mary Poppins und Tschitti-Tschitti Bäng Bäng
Hi Lady, Hier [www.metaportal.at] ist ein Forumsbeitrag, wo auch andere den deutsche Mary-Poppins-Liedtexte suchen, vielleicht haben die die inzwischen aufgetan... Zu Tschitti Tschitty Bäng Bäng (oder Chitty Chitty Bang Bang): 1.In diesem Forum [www.musical-fans.de] suchte jemand den gesamten deutschen Text; vielleicht hat sie ihn inzwischen... 2. Musik, DVD, Video, Original Musical Score (alles Englisch) gibt's alles bei Amazon.de, inkl. Titelverzeichnisse 3. Könnte das gesuchte Lied "Doll on the music box & Truly Scumptious" sein? Auch hier ist leider nur der engl. Text aufzutreiben... What do you see You people gazing at me You see a doll on a music box That's wound by a key How can you tell I'm Under a spell I'm Waiting for love's first kiss You cannot see How much I long to be free Turning around on this music box That wound by a key Yearning Yearning While I'm turning around and around What do you see (truly scrumptious) You people gazing at me (you're truly truly scrumptious) You see a doll on a music box, thats wound by a key (scrumptious as a cherry peach parfait) How can you tell I'm (when you're near me) Under a spell I'm (it's so delicious) Waiting for love's first kiss (honest truly, your the answer to my wishes) You cannot see (truly scrumptious) How much I long to be free (though I may seem presumptuous) Turning around on this music box that's wound by a key (never never ever go away) Yearning (my heart beats so unruly) Yearning (because I love you truly) While I'm turning around and around) (honest, Truly I do)
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